Few things in life are as relaxing and enjoyable as gazing into a roaring fire along with a group of close friends. I simple firepit install in your backyard can provide a great setting for hours of memories. It may be easier than you think if you follow these steps.
Stone Fire Pit
- Layout an area for the pit and seating.
- Remove lawn or ground cover and level the area.
- Stack rock or block in a circular pattern to build up walls of pit.
- Apply decorative rock or stone to exterior of walls if desired.
- Edge seating area with railroad ties or garden border stones if desired.
- Lay down pavers or crushed gravel to cover seating area.
In this case, we have added a steel liner and a length of heavy-duty marine chain for visual appeal. That’s all there is to it in order to add a visual point of interest and natural gathering spot to your hard-scape plan. For more ideas about a fire pit for your estate, give us a call at Garrett Property Management for a free quote.