Garrett Property Management specializes in large-scale grounds-keeping and design projects. We are the perfect choice for homeowners associations (HOA), country clubs, corporate or college campuses, estates, golf courses, and other extensive landscape scenarios.
We love jobs that most landscapers are simply not equipped to handle.”
We offer expert commercial and residential services including but not limited to:
- Land clearing
- Lawn care
- Tree trimming
- Edging
- Sprinkler system design, installation, and repair
- Dirt work
- Land contouring
- Drainage field design, installation, repair
- Debris removal
- Weed control
Our Brush Hog mowers make us the perfect choice for clearing land to make way for your new projects.
We pride ourselves on going above and beyond with our level of service. Ask your HOA board to give us a call for a second opinion on your grounds-keeping needs. It will be our pleasure to meet with you and discuss what we can do for your community!
James Morris